About Us
Sig & Sue is a small independent store in the heart of Stavanger, Norway. The clothing industry is not perfect and will never be fully sustainable. That’s the honest truth. We don’t have all the answers, but by curating a shop with brands that take responsibility and are transparent about their methods, we have created a space where style and quality are not compromised.
The shop is operated and managed by Grete Falck-Pedersen, a native New Yorker with Norwegian roots. She has a passion for sustainability and supporting independent designers and brands. She is always on the hunt for unique pieces and brands that complement Scandinavian style and trends.
Defining Sustainability
Sustainability is multifaceted in the clothing space. Transparent processes are important and that is why, when searching for brands, we consider the following:
– How are products made?
– Who is making them?
– What materials are used?
– How are they transported?
We are not perfect and are constantly growing - learning as we go and finding the balance of what works for us. Every brand has strengths in different areas so we find the balance of what works best for us.